How I got accepted into Reward Style’s in less than a month of blogging!

Happy Monday babes! If you are interested in joining the Reward Style program and have your very own Like to Know it page, then this post is for you. Keep reading!

This has been a long overdue post! I got accepted into Reward Style’s Like to Know It quite some time ago. BUT, I wanted to share a few things I did to ensure I got accepted right away since I have heard that some bloggers do get rejected on their first application. Although, I am not sure how recent that fact is.

Anyway, I knew when I started my Life and Style blog I wanted to get into reward style so that people would easily be able to get all my outfit details in one place… and shop the look if desired! There are a few different applications that do this, to my knowledge, there is Reward Style’s and also Shop Style Collective, which is basically the same as idea as Reward Style. There are a few reviews out there on Shop Style and I did my research before deciding to go with Reward Style. My main reason was that Reward Style seemed to be the more universal app that everyone was using, and it had good reviews. Also, I was already using the myself and really liked it, so it seemed like the right choice for me.

I am going to break it down into two categories, and explain what I did on both platforms: My Blog and Instagram

My Blog

So I started my blog in October 2018. In fact, my first ever blog post was October 23, 2018. And I applied and was accepted into the Reward Style program November 19, 2018.  So really, it was less than 1 month and I was accepted! I was so thrilled. The main reasons I believe I was accepted right away are as follows: quality content, consistency, and targeted niche.

Quality content: I made sure the photos I was uploading onto my blog were good clear and bright. I also used links where possibly to link what ever it was I was showcasing.

Consistency: I made sure to do at least 2 to 3 blog posts per week.

Targeted niche: I made sure to pick a niche – which is mainly fashion. My blog is a life and style blog, which can be pretty vague, and I do post things other than fashion of course, but the main focus of my blog is fashion and I think that it is important to have a main focus for your blog.


So with Instagram, things were a bit different. I actually started out using my personal Instagram account to post my #ootd, just here and there, and then eventually decided to make it the Instagram face of Love Always Jacquie, instead of creating a brand new account, so I changed my handle to @lovealwaysjacquie . The reason I didn’t create a new account is mainly because I had already been posting my #ootd’s, which was gaining a following, and also because I really started this with my friends and family in mind since they were always asking where I bought my clothes. Part of me does wish I would have created a new account, so that I could keep my personal account private… But that is another topic of discussion!

So basically, in or around the summer of 2018, I started posting my #ootds here and there, and then I think at some point towards the end of September 2018 I started posting pretty consistently (as in once a day, 6 or 7 days a week). I made sure I was posting quality content and with a main focus (or niche as they say), which was ootd, aka fashion. By the time I applied to Reward Style in November, I had been posting very consistently and was getting a good amount of engagement. Which leads me to my last point, engagement. I think it is important for Reward Style to see that your photos are getting a good amount of engagement, which is basically the equivalent to likes and comments on a post. I made sure I was commenting on other bloggers photos who are in the same niche as me, as well as using targeted & appropriate hashtags.

Lastly, my following, when I applied to Reward Style I believe my following was well below 1K (I think it was around 800) so I really do not think that the amount of followers you have makes a difference, I think more importantly is the engagement factor.

Ok! And if you’ve made it this far THANK YOU!!! That may be a bit long winded but I didn’t want to leave anything out.

If you have any questions at all or are trying to apply to Reward Style please send me an email I can refer other bloggers too which I have heard can help the process.

Best of luck!